Under the leadership of the pastor, the Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of parishioners assisting the pastor in leading in major pastoral concerns which affect the life and mission of the parish – namely to support the spiritual growth of its members through proclaiming the WORD, building up the community, celebrating the liturgy, making disciples and serving all God’s people.
According to Church norms, the Pastoral Council is, in all intents and purposes, a leadership community rooted in prayer, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, committed to patient listening, study, discernment, planning and making recommendations to the pastor for the welfare of the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is responsible for searching out how the parish can be most effective in fulfilling its total mission – making the parish more faithful to the call of God to conversion, discipleship, growth, holiness and steadfastness to the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls.
The PPC is composed of those appointed by the pastor and the chairpersons of the various parish committees and groups, for example, Property Maintenance Committee, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Catholic Women’s League, Knights of Columbus, Cleaning Committee, Parish Needs Discernment Committee.
The Parish Pastoral Council membership presently includes the following: Father Wieslaw Woloszyn (Pastor), Mark Morasse (Vice-Chair), Teresa Ricci, Karen Schroeder